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From Fatigue to Compliance: Evolution of Rest Hour Recording in the Maritime Industry

In the vast expanse of the maritime industry, where ships traversed oceans and connected nations, the safety and well-being of the crew were often overlooked. In the early days, there were no regulations to mandate rest hour recording, leading to severe accidents caused by crew fatigue. However, with the introduction of the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), the tides began to change, ensuring that companies now record rest hours to maintain compliance and prioritize crew welfare. Today, digitalization has further revolutionized rest hour recording, making it easier than ever before. In this blog, we delve into the journey from a reckless past to a responsible present and highlight how Vedam's innovative software has played a significant role in streamlining rest hour management.

In the early days of the maritime industry, long and gruelling hours were the norm. Crew members endured extensive work shifts without proper rest, leading to a rise in accidents and jeopardizing both human lives and cargo. Fatigue was a silent but deadly adversary, impairing crew members' decision-making abilities and posing serious threats to safety at sea. Unfortunately, there were no regulations in place to ensure adequate rest for seafarers.

Recognizing the urgency to address crew fatigue and ensure the welfare of seafarers, the International Labour Organization (ILO) introduced the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) in 2006. This landmark convention came into force in 2013, setting the standard for decent working conditions for seafarers worldwide. One of the critical requirements of the MLC was the need to record and manage crew rest hours.

With the advancement of technology and digitalization, the maritime industry witnessed a transformation in rest hour recording. Manual logbooks were replaced with sophisticated software solutions that automated the entire process. This digital revolution brought greater accuracy, efficiency, and convenience to rest hour management.

In this era of digital progress, Vedam emerged as a pioneering force, addressing the complexities of rest hour recording in the maritime industry. Vedam's powerful software solution provides ship owners and managers with the tools they need to comply with MLC regulations seamlessly.

  • Offline Capability: Vedam's software allows rest hour recording even in areas with no internet connection, ensuring continuous compliance monitoring.
  • Cloud-Based Fleet Management:A user-friendly website enables viewing rest hours for all fleet vessels in real-time, regardless of geographical locations.
  • Automated Reports: The software generates accurate and compliant reports, reducing the risk of human errors and streamlining reporting to authorities.
  • Noncompliance Validation: Vedam's solution alerts users to any noncompliance issues, such as insufficient rest hours in a 24-hour period or a 7-day period.


One of our client, a maritime company struggling with outdated rest hour recording methods and grappling with compliance challenges. With Vedam's innovative software, this company embraced a new era of efficiency and responsibility. The automation of rest hour calculations minimized human errors, and the integration of data on a cloud platform provided comprehensive fleet-wide insights. Compliance with MLC became seamless, and the company could confidently submit rest hour data to regulatory authorities, ensuring the well-being of its crew and safeguarding against accidents caused by fatigue.


The journey from a negligent past to a responsible present in rest hour recording reflects the maritime industry's commitment to crew welfare and safety. With Vedam's cutting-edge software, the evolution has taken a leap forward, simplifying rest hour management and compliance like never before. Embrace the future of rest hour recording with Vedam's innovative solution and set sail towards safer seas and a brighter future for the maritime industry.

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